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Upper Carolina Landowners Association


Coral Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands


40 Years! Time to Celebrate YOUR HOA!

UCLA 40 Year Celebration

40 Years!

Celebrate 40 years with your neighbors
Thank you to all who participated in the Annual Meeting.

Now it is time to CELEBRATE 40 YEARS of your HOA working for you.

Further details are available in the Members-only section.

Please RSVP by the 2nd of February by emailing .

Upper Carolina, Mill Vista & Quacco-Zimmerman HOA

Welcome to the UCLA web site. UCLA St. John USVI
Welcome to the Upper Carolina Landowners Association web site. UCLA St. John, US Virgin Islands

Estate Carolina is on St. John in the US Virgin Islands. Upper Carolina is a neighborhood located above Coral Bay in Estate Carolina. The Upper Carolina Landowners Association, Inc. (UCLA) is a homeowners association (HOA) comprised of land and homeowners with property in Upper Carolina as well as other specifically designated Estate Carolina, Mill Vista and St. Quacco & Zimmerman communities that have access to the UCLA-owned beach property.

The association includes 178 properties across the Coral Bay area.

Formed in 1985 by the late Sylvia Weaver, UCLA is the largest and oldest HOA on St. John.

This site serves UCLA members

 image here  publ1image2 CoralBaycirca1987b.jpgThe Upper Carolina Landowners Association (UCLA) is comprised of landowners in the Upper Carolina, Mill Vista and Quacco-Zimmerman neighborhoods of Coral Bay, St. John, US Virgin Islands.

The purpose of this site is to serve these property owners.

( Photo of Coral Bay, circa 1987, courtesy of Alex Damon. )

40 Years of UCLA serving the neighborhood

40th Annual Meeting and 40 Year Celebration
In January of 2025, the Upper Carolina, Mill Vista and St. Quacco and Zimmerman neighborhoods will hold their 40th UCLA Annual Meeting and also have a party celebrating the 40 years of the association.

Association members can find details for both in the members-only section of this web site.

Mill Vista and St. Quacco & Zimmerman

Beach Members of the association
Please note: Beach members in Mill Vista and St. Quacco & Zimmerman were added to the members area of the web site as of March 2022. If you are a beach member, you may now join the web site.

To insure you are correctly listed in the directory, UCLA members should send a request to the UCLA board. This request will need to be validated by the board.
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