Upper Carolina Landowners Association

Who We Are and Privacy Policy

UCLA - a not-for-profit homeowners association

UCLA is a registered not-for-profit HOA

By definition in the By-Laws, landowners of the following properties are automatically members of the UCLA HOA by virtue of the shared and deeded property known as "the beach property":

- owners of those lots in parcel 6-3 Estate Carolina numbered 1 through 132,

- owners of those lots in Parcel 6-3 Estate Carolina numbered 133 through 153,

- and owners of lots in 6B Estate St. Quacco numbered 1 through 43.

Members should see the By-Laws for details and how to become voting members of the association.

For convenience, these three constituent communities are generally referred to respectively as:

- Upper Carolina

- Mill Vista

- Quacco and Zimmaerman.

The mission of the HOA is broader than that of this web site that supports the association. The mission statement can be found in the By-Laws.

Data Privacy

Data we collect and why
To serve our community and manage the shared infrastructure and property, UCLA maintains contact information for landowners in the the three communities we serve. We use various means to try to keep this data current and rely heavily on the community itself.

We use this information to send annual meeting notices and proxies, as appropriate, to insure we can communicate shared community needs and planned activities. This may include road maintenance, beach property clean up and other actions necessary to preserve property values, but may also include some activities intended to promote communication within and about our HOA.

We undertake precautions to preserve the privacy of our owner communities. Any breach of those precautions will be pursued.

We try to avoid undue notices and limit communications to insure the important information is not diluted. Social networks may provide more general community information.

Cookie Policy

This web site uses cookies only to enhance the user experience where appropriate. No cookies are mandatory for use.

Retention and Deletion

Personal information
This site retains contact information as long as that owner owns the property. There is no need to retain that information after we learn of an ownership transfer so the previous owner information may be deleted. No further communication is normally needed with former owners unless contact information for the new owners is not received from the transfer agent. Minimal information, such as last name, may be retained to help insure management of records and transfers is clearly communicated.
Your rights to your personal information
The personal information we maintain is available for your review on the website in the Members only section.

On a best-effort basis, the website also supports your right to opt-in to email or US Mail communications. We encourage email in order to keep costs under control.
Complaints, updates and suggestions
We strive to maintain current information, but sometimes there are changes that are not shared with us and, in some cases, we make errors. This is a voluntary organization, but we do strive to keep accurate records.

Please use the Contact Us button below to send suggestions, complaints or other updates.

Please include your contact details so we can verify the source of any suggested changes.

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